연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 302호
논문코드 1O11-3
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 14:00-14:15
논문제목 Mechanically Triggered Synaptic Transistor with an Ionic Composite Inspired by Sensory Nervous System
발표자 정윤선
발표자 소속 한양대학교
저자 정윤선, 김주성, 권혁민, 김윤아, 김도환
소속 한양대학교
논문초록 With the aim to developing an artificial intelligence and a deep learning technologies, many attempts have been made to mimic sensory-motor nervous system for future applications, such as neurocomputing, humanoid robots, and neural prosthetics. In particular, to emulate the sensory system of human, researchers have reported the integrated systems composed of three devices: sensor, signal transducer, and synaptic transistor. However, they show poor device density and complicated signal conversion. Here, we describe a novel artificial synaptic transistor inspired by human sensory system, which have sensing ability and synaptic behavior that can be triggered by mechanical stimuli. We designed an ionic composite with hydrogen bonding as a dielectric layer, in which capacitance could be switched under only mechanical stimuli. As a result, mechanically triggered synaptic transistor exhibited various forms of synaptic plasticity with amplitude and frequency of pressure as a presynaptic pulse.